Marion Baumli Sudvarg

Postdoctoral Research Associate — Physics & Computer Science — Washington University in St. Louis

msudvarg [at] wustl [dot] edu

Curriculum Vitae (CV)


I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Physics at Washington University in St. Louis under the supervision of James Buckley, having recently completed my PhD in computer science at Washington University in St. Louis, advised by Christopher Gill. I also received bachelor’s degrees in math and physics, and a master’s degree in computer science with an emphasis on data mining and machine learning from Wash U.

My research interests are in developing robust, adaptable, and secure real-time computing systems. I am the software lead for the ADAPT collaboration, developing real-time algorithms and systems to enable prompt localization and multi-messenger follow-up observations of astrophysics transients. I additionally enjoy teaching, and I have taught Wash U’s advanced undergraduate Operating Systems Organization and graduate-level Advanced Operating Systems courses. I led a significant restructuring of content for both courses, and developed the majority of material and assignments now used in Advanced Operating Systems.




Peer Reviewed:


Marion Sudvarg, Daisy Wang, Jeremy Buhler, Chris Gill. “Subtask-Level Elastic Scheduling” IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), December 2024. (Accepted, to appear.) [ preprint ]

Benjamin Standaert, Marion Sudvarg, Fatima Raadia, Chris Gill. “ILP Representations of Multi-Phase Limited-Preemption Tasks.” Workshop on OPtimization for Embedded and ReAl-time systems (OPERA), December 2024. Held in conjunction with RTSS. (Accepted, to appear.)

Ye Htet, Marion Sudvarg, Andrew Butzel, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, James Buckley. “Machine Learning Aboard the ADAPT Gamma-Ray Telescope.”The Fifth Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Scientific Applications (AI4S), November 2024. Held in conjunction with SC. (Accepted, to appear.)

Zhuoran Sun, M. Sudvarg, C. Gill. “Elastic Scheduling for Graceful Degradation of Mixed-Criticality Systems.” International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS), November 2024. (Accepted, to appear.)

Marion Sudvarg, Chris Gill, Sanjoy Baruah. “Improved Implicit-Deadline Elastic Scheduling.” IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES), October 2024. Outstanding Paper. (Accepted, to appear.) [ paper | supplemental plots ]

Marion Sudvarg, Oren Bell, Tyler Martin, Benjamin Standaert, Tao Zhang, Sun-Beom Kwon, Chris Gill, Arun Prakash. “Towards a Concurrency Platform for Scalable Multi-Axial Real-Time Hybrid Simulation.” Frontiers in Built Environment. Sec. Earthquake Engineering, Volume 10, August 2024. Invited paper as part of the special issue, “Experimental Benchmark Control Problem on Multi-axial Real-time Hybrid Simulation.” [ paper | supplemental plots ]

Marion Sudvarg, Ye Htet, Sanjoy Baruah, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, Chris Gill, Jim Buckley “Adaptive Execution for Real-Time Observations of Astrophysical Transients.” 13th International Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar (RTSOPS), July 2024. Held in conjunction with ECRTS. [ paper | slides ]

Marion Sudvarg. “Improved Models of Elastic Scheduling.” A dissertation presented to the McKelvey School of Engineering of Washington University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. May 2024. [ dissertation ]

Marion Sudvarg, Ao Li, Daisy Wang, Sanjoy Baruah, Jeremy Buhler, Pontus Ekberg, Chris Gill, Ning Zhang. “Elastic Scheduling for Harmonic Task Systems.” IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), May 2024. Artifact Evaluated.paper | slides | code ]

Marion Sudvarg, Chenfeng Zhao, Ye Htet, Meagan Konst, Thomas Lang, Nick Song, Roger D. Chamberlain, Jeremy Buhler, James H. Buckley. “HLS Taking Flight: Toward Using High-Level Synthesis Techniques in a Space-Borne Instrument.” 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF), May 2024. Artifact Evaluated, Available, Reproduced.paper | artifact ]

Marion Sudvarg, Zhuoran Sun, Ao Li, Ning Zhang, Chris Gill. “Priority-Based Concurrency and Shared Resource Access Mechanisms for Nested Intercomponent Requests in CAmkES.” Real-Time Systems, Springer, April 2024. [ paper ]
Presented at RTSS as Work-already-Published [ extended abstract | slides | poster ]

Marion Sudvarg, Ye Htet, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, Chris Gill, James Buckley, Wenlei Chen, and the APT Collaboration. “Adaptive Real-Time Computation for Prompt Localization of Transients.” 21st Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division, American Astronomical Society, April 2024. [ abstract | poster ]

Ye Htet, Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, James Buckley, and the APT Collaboration. “A Computational Pipeline for Prompt Gamma-Ray Burst Localization Aboard APT and ADAPT.” 21st Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division, American Astronomical Society, April 2024. [ abstract | poster ]

Jamie Shin, Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, James Buckley, and the APT Collaboration. “Accelerating Compton Imaging of Astrophysical Sources in Python.” 21st Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division, American Astronomical Society, April 2024. [ abstract | poster ]

Marion Sudvarg, Chris Gill, Jeremy Buhler. “Subtask-Level Elasticity for Federated Scheduling of Parallel Tasks.” Workshop on OPtimization for Embedded and ReAl-time systems (OPERA), December 2023. Held in conjunction with RTSS. [ paper | slides ]

Ye Htet, Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, Roger D. Chamberlain, and James Buckley. “Localization of Gamma-ray Bursts in a Balloon-Borne Telescope.” The First Workshop on Enabling Predictive Science with Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification in HPC (EPSOUQ), November 2023. Held in conjunction with SC. [ paper ]

Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, Chris Gill, James Buckley and Wenlei Chen. “Parameterized Workload Adaptation for Fork-Join Tasks with Dynamic Workloads and Deadlines.” The 29th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), August 2023. [ paper | slides ]

Marion Sudvarg, Ye Htet, Roger D. Chamberlain, Jeremy Buhler, Blake Bal, Corrado Altomare, Davide Serini, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, Leonardo Di Venere, Wenlei Chen, James H. Buckley, Ulysses Atekson, Meagan Konst, Thomas Lang, Shun Li, Diana Pacheco-Garcia, Nick Song, Chenfeng Zhao, Zhiting Zhou, Matthew Andrew, Richard G. Bose, Dana Braun, Eric Burns, Michael L. Cherry, Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel Errando, Stefan Funk, Priya Ghosh, Francesco Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Zachary Hughes, Aera Jung, Patrick L. Kelly, John F. Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara, Francesco Licciulli, Gang Liu, Leonarda Lorusso, John Grant Mitchell, John W. Mitchell, Georgia A. de Nolfo, Giuliana Panzarini, Richard Peschke, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta Pillera, Brian Rauch, Garry Simburger, George Suarez, Teresa Tatoli, Gary S. Varner, Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and Wolfgang V. Zober. “Front-End Computational Modeling and Design for the Antarctic Demonstrator for the Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope.” In Proc. of 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference – PoS(ICRC2023), volume 444, pages 764:1–764:9, July 2023. [ paper | poster ]

Ye Htet, Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, Roger D. Chamberlain, Wenlei Chen, James H. Buckley, Corrado Altomare, Matthew Andrew, Blake Bal, Richard G. Bose, Dana Braun, Eric Burns, Michael L. Cherry, Leonardo Di Venere, Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel Errando, Stefan Funk, Priya Ghosh, Francesco Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Zachary Hughes, Aera Jung, Patrick L. Kelly, John F. Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara, Francesco Licciulli, Gang Liu, Leonarda Lorusso, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, John Grant Mitchell, John W. Mitchell, Georgia A. de Nolfo, Giuliana Panzarini, Richard Peschke, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta Pillera, Brian Rauch, Davide Serini, Garry Simburger, George Suarez, Teresa Tatoli, Gary S. Varner, Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and Wolfgang V. Zober. “Prompt and Accurate GRB Source Localization Aboard the Advanced Particle Astrophysics Telescope (APT) and its Antarctic Demonstrator (ADAPT).” In Proc. of 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference – PoS(ICRC2023), volume 444, pages 956:1–956:9, July 2023. [ paper | poster ]

Wenlei Chen, James H. Buckley, Corrado Altomare, Matthew Andrew, Blake Bal, Richard G. Bose, Dana Braun, Jeremy Buhler, Eric Burns, Roger D. Chamberlain, Michael L. Cherry, Leonardo Di Venere, Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel Errando, Stefan Funk, Priya Ghosh, Francesco Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Ye Htet, Zachary Hughes, Aera Jung, Patrick L. Kelly, John F. Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara, Francesco Licciulli, Gang Liu, Leonarda Lorusso, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, John Grant Mitchell, John W. Mitchell, Georgia A. de Nolfo, Giuliana Panzarini, Richard Peschke, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta Pillera, Brian Rauch, Davide Serini, Garry Simburger, Marion Sudvarg, George Suarez, Teresa Tatoli, Gary S. Varner, Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and Wolfgang V. Zober. “Simulation of the instrument performance of the Antarctic Demonstrator for the Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope in the presence of the MeV background.” In Proc. of 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference – PoS(ICRC2023), volume 444, pages 841:1–841:9, July 2023. [ paper ]

Marion Sudvarg, Sanjoy Baruah, Chris Gill. “Elastic Scheduling for Fixed-Priority Constrained-Deadline Tasks.” 26th IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), May 2023. Best Paper.paper | slides ]

Marion Sudvarg, Meagan Konst, Thomas Lang, Diana Pacheco-Garcia, Roger Chamberlain, Jeremy Buhler, James Buckley, and the APT Collaboration. “Design of Front-end Signal Processing for the Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope.” 20th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division, American Astronomical Society, March 2023. [ abstract | poster ]

Ye Htet, Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, Roger Chamberlain, James Buckley, and the APT Collaboration. “Prompt, Accurate Localization of Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope.” 20th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division, American Astronomical Society, March 2023. [ abstract | poster ]

Wenlei Chen, James Buckley, Roger Chamberlain, Marion Sudvarg, and the APT Collaboration. “The Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope: Reconstruction of the MeV Gamma-Ray Sky and Estimation of Point-Source Sensitivity in the Presence of the Background.” 20th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division, American Astronomical Society, March 2023. [ abstract | poster ]

Ao Li*, Marion Sudvarg*, Han Liu, Zhiyuan Yu, Chris Gill and Ning Zhang. “PolyRhythm: Adaptive Tuning of a Multi-Channel Attack Template for Timing Interference.” IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Houston, Texas, December 2022. (* denotes equal contribution) [ paper | code | slides | teaser ]
Also presented as a demo at the Symposium on Vehicle Security and Privacy (VehicleSec), held in conjunction with NDSS 2024. “Adaptive Tuning of a Multi-Channel Attack Template for Timing Interference” [ extended abstract ]

M. Sudvarg and C. Gill. “A Concurrency Framework for Priority-Aware Intercomponent Requests in CAmkES on seL4.” The 28th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), August 2022. Best Paper.paper | code | slides | video ]

M. Sudvarg, J. Buhler, R. Chamberlain, C. Gill, and J. Buckley. “Work in Progress: Real-Time GRB Localization for the Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope.” 16th annual workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT), July 2022. Held in conjunction with ECRTS. [ paper | slides ]

M. Sudvarg and C. Gill. “Analysis of Federated Scheduling for Integer-Valued Workloads.” International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS), June 2022. [ paper | slides ]

Jacob Wheelock, William Kanu, Marion Sudvarg, Zhili Xiao, Jeremy D. Buhler, Roger D. Chamberlain, and James H. Buckley. “Supporting multi-messenger astrophysics with fast gamma-ray burst localization.” In Proc. of IEEE/ACM HPC for Urgent Decision Making Workshop (UrgentHPC), November 2021. Held in conjunction with SC. [ paper | code ]

Marion Sudvarg, Jacob Wheelock, Jeremy D. Buhler, James H. Buckley, and Wenlei Chen. “Parallel GRB source localization pipelines for the advanced particle-astrophysics telescope.” In Proc. of IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC), November 2021. [ extended abstract | poster | video ]

M. Sudvarg, C. Gill, and S. Baruah. “Linear-Time Admission Control for Elastic Scheduling.” Real-Time Systems, Springer, July 2021. [ paper ]
Presented at RTSS as Work-already-Published [ extended abstract | slides | video ]

Marion Sudvarg, Jeremy Buhler, James H. Buckley, Wenlei Chen, Zachary Hughes, Emily Ramey, Michael L. Cherry, Samer Alnussirat, Ryan Larm, Christofer Chungata, Corrado Altomare, Richard G. Bose, Dana L Braun, Eric Burns, Roger D. Chamberlain, Leonardo Di Venere, Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel Errando, Stefan Funk, Francesco Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Dawson J. Huth, Patrick L. Kelly, John F. Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara, Francesco Licciulli, Gang Liu, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, John Grant Mitchell, John W. Mitchell, Georgia A. de Nolfo, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta Pillera, Brian Flint Rauch, Davide Serini, Garry E Simburger, George Suarez, Teresa Tatoli, Gary S. Varner, Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and Wolfgang V. Zober. “A Fast GRB Source Localization Pipeline for the Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope.” In Proc. of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference – PoS(ICRC2021), volume 395, pages 588:1–588:9, July 2021. [ paper | poster | slides | video | executive summary ]

James Buckley, Samer Alnussirat, Corrado Altomare, Richard G. Bose, Dana L Braun, James H. Buckley, Jeremy Buhler, Eric Burns, Roger D. Chamberlain, Wenlei Chen, Michael L. Cherry, Leonardo Di Venere, Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel Errando, Stefan Funk, Francesco Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Zachary Hughes, Dawson J. Huth, Patrick L. Kelly, John F. Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara, Francesco Licciulli, Gang Liu, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, John Grant Mitchell, John W. Mitchell, Georgia A. de Nolfo, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta Pillera, Brian Flint Rauch, Davide Serini, Garry E Simburger, Marion Sudvarg, George Suarez, Teresa Tatoli, Gary S. Varner, Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and Wolfgang V. Zober. “The Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope (APT) Project Status.” In Proc. of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference – PoS(ICRC2021), volume 395, pages 655:1–655:9, July 2021. [ paper ]

Wenlei Chen, James H. Buckley, Samer Alnussirat, Corrado Altomare, Richard G. Bose, Dana L Braun, Jeremy Buhler, Eric Burns, Roger D. Chamberlain, Michael L. Cherry, Leonardo Di Venere, Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel Errando, Stefan Funk, Francesco Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Zachary Hughes, Dawson J. Huth, Patrick L. Kelly, John F. Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara, Francesco Licciulli, Gang Liu, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, John Grant Mitchell, John W. Mitchell, Georgia A. de Nolfo, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta Pillera, Brian Flint Rauch, Davide Serini, Garry E Simburger, Marion Sudvarg, George Suarez, Teresa Tatoli, Gary S. Varner, Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and Wolfgang V. Zober. “The Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope: Simulation of the Instrument Performance for Gamma-Ray Detection.” In Proc. of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference – PoS(ICRC2021), volume 395, pages 590:1–590:9, July 2021. [ paper ]

Zachary Hughes, Samer Alnussirat, Corrado Altomare, Richard G. Bose, Dana L Braun, James H. Buckley, Jeremy Buhler, Eric Burns, Roger D. Chamberlain, Wenlei Chen, Michael L. Cherry, Leonardo Di Venere, Jeffrey Dumonthier, Manel Errando, Stefan Funk, Francesco Giordano, Jonah Hoffman, Dawson J. Huth, Patrick L. Kelly, John F. Krizmanic, Makiko Kuwahara, Francesco Licciulli, Gang Liu, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, John Grant Mitchell, John W. Mitchell, Georgia A. de Nolfo, Riccardo Paoletti, Roberta Pillera, Brian Flint Rauch, Davide Serini, Garry E Simburger, Marion Sudvarg, George Suarez, Teresa Tatoli, Gary S. Varner, Eric A. Wulf, Adrian Zink, and Wolfgang V. Zober. “Characterization of a prototype imaging calorimeter for the Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope from an Antarctic balloon flight and CERN beam test.” In Proc. of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference – PoS(ICRC2021), volume 395, pages 137:1–137:9, July 2021. [ paper ]

Invited Talks

Elastic Scheduling for the ARM Augmented Reality Heads-Up Display

Marion Sudvarg, Ao Li, Chris Gill, Ning Zhang
July 11, 2024
ECRTS 2024 Industrial Challenge
slides | proposal ]

This early stage proposal outlines a proposed solution to the scheduling problems presented by the AR HUD application from ARM's challenge to the ECRTS community. We suggest that the dataflow application can be modeled as a collection of tasks with harmonic period relationships reflecting the flow of data among them. By extending our prior work on elastic scheduling of dataflow applications with harmonic period constraints, which proved effective when applied to ORB-SLAM3 in resource-constrained environments, we believe that we can produce a period adaptation model to guarantee schedulability of the AR HUD's tasks even in dynamic environments and systems.

Thank you to Matteo Andreozzi, Giacomo Gabrielli, and Adrian Herrera for reviewing our early-stage proposal and inviting us to present during the ECRTS 2024 industrial challenge session.

Constrained Optimization of Elastic Task Adaptation in Real-Time Systems

April 12, 2023
Saint Louis University CS 5090: Computer Science Colloquium
slides ]

Applications ranging from simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) to prompt detection of astrophysical transients are subject to exogenous timing constraints whose satisfaction may be met according to application-specific objective functions. Optimization within those constraints requires new models and analyses that can offer rigorous assurance while exploiting opportunities to improve performance. Furthermore, in resource-constrained and mixed criticality environments, dynamic application requirements and resource availability may force tasks to adapt execution state to maintain deadline guarantees. In this talk, I will discuss the design of new elastic scheduling models that provide principled and provable approaches to adaptation for recurrent real-time task systems. These frameworks can compress task utilization to maximize the expected computational and functional performance of the application within the bounds of timing constraints. Extensions to these models reduce pessimism in resource allocation, especially for parallel tasks, for which finding an optimal schedule is generally intractable. I apply and evaluate this approach in the context of the Advanced Particle-astrophysics Telescope (APT) and its Antarctic Demonstrator (ADAPT), and as future work consider other relevant applications such as ORB-SLAM.


Washington University in St. Louis

CSE 522S: Advanced Operating Systems, Spring 2023
Co-instructed with James Orr.

CSE 522S: Advanced Operating Systems, Spring 2022
Co-instructed the graduate level operating systems course that follows CSE 422S. Led an effort to change the focus and scope of the course. Developed new lecture materials and assignments, which composed most of the course syllabus.

CSE 422S: Operating Systems Organization, Fall 2021
Taught the class for one week when the primary instructor was absent.

CSE 422S: Operating Systems Organization, Spring 2021
Performed further refinement of the syllabus, following observations from the previous semester and semester-end student course evaluations. Also assisted with grading final projects.

CSE 422S: Operating Systems Organization, Fall 2020
Co-instructed the advanced-undergraduate operating systems course at Washington University in St. Louis, and led a significant restructuring of course content, under the supervision of Professor Chris Gill. Refined content is still being used in the current syllabus.


My portfolio is still a work in progress, with several new projects to be added soon. Please contact me for more details!


I founded Sudvarg Digital Solutions to provide technology consulting services to individuals and small and medium-sized businesses in the Saint Louis area.



Areas of service include, but are not limited to:

  • Web development
  • Embedded and real-time systems software, middleware, and OS kernel development
  • Execution time optimization through parallel computation and hardware accelerators
  • Scientific computing and MATLAB development
  • Machine learning and data mining
  • In addition to my experience in these areas, I have several colleagues in the Computer Science and Computer Engineering PhD programs at Washington University in St. Louis who can provide their expertise as well. Please contact us for details.


Work for Us

We are currently seeking an experienced Wordpress developer, or web developer with HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL experience, to help with the completion of a project. Applicants should contact us with a CV outlining relevant educational experience (including any computer science or web development classes taken) and work experience (including a portfolio of web design and development projects).


Viaticum Press International

Contact Marion

msudvarg [at] wustl [dot] edu